Where to Find Incredible Hikes in Houston

Houston is one of the most amazing places to visit. There are times when you are in a big city that you just want to get out in nature. Houston has many wonderful places to soak up that vitamin D and stretch those legs.

Memorial Park

The logical place to start is Memorial Park. It is located not too far from the city centre and easy to access even by public transport. The park is a 1400 acre park which used to be a military training ground during WW1. It was sold under the condition that it would only be used as a recreational park.

True to their word the park is one of the best parts about Houston. The park boasts over 30 miles of trails for families to enjoy. These hikes are particularly enticing for children as the wind their way through beautiful nature and over little creeks.

Once you have finished your hike there is an awesome accessible playground to visit. The playground is under cover with huge shade sails which is perfect for the afternoon heat that everyone wants to avoid. I really love that the playground is accessible for all kids. Even if your child doesn’t have mobility issues, ramps and things like that are much easier for the littles to navigate too.

You can bring a picnic lunch to enjoy or sample some of Houstons best food trucks! Personally we a food truck fans. The food trucks are located right near the picnic area which is convenient. Maybe you can pack some lunch and then grab a sweet treat at the food truck.

via Cultural Landscape Foundation

Spring Creek Greenway

Oh my goodness this place is BEAUTIFUL! Spring Creek Greenway is located just north or Houston about 35 mins from the city centre.

Spring Creek Greenway is an ideal place to visit with the kids as the hiking trails meander along the creek on a well maintain pathway. The trail is super wide with enough room for cyclists and hikers. We really love that this park isn’t overly crowded so you can feel a big more “alone” in nature.

If you are after something a little different why not get a kayak and take to the water and paddle along the gorgeous creek.

Galveston Island State Park

Galveston State Park is a haven for nature lovers. It makes for the perfect day trip from Houston. There are 4 miles of hiking trails through the park for you to enjoy. These hiking trails are well maintained and easy for any fitness level which means perfect for kids!

In total there are 9 trails that you can choose from. The shortest being Duck Lake trail at 0.19 miles and the longest Prairie Trail at 0.80 miles. Each of the trails are fairly close to each other so you could easily mix and match a few trails to make the perfect hiking experience for your family.

There are volunteer guides who can take you a the trails and share lots of interesting information about the park and different animals and plants you will find.

If your kids are like our they will jump at the chance to take on the Junior Ranger challenge and get that nifty little badge!

After you have finished hiking why not go relax on the beach swim of just paddle your feet as the sun goes down.

Texas Parks and Wildlife

Armand Bayou Nature Park

Thirty minutes from Houston you will find Armand Bayou Nature Park. This hiking trail stretches for and easy 1.9 miles.

The trail is well maintained and easy for all skill levels and they kids will love the river and boardwalks. There is a visitors centre where they will often let you pet a baby alligator. That is totally going to make all my kids day….or life!

There are many nods towards times past such as a blacksmiths shop, homestead house and old water pump for kids to look and and learn from. If you head up to the the look out platform you might even be lucky enough to see the buffalo roaming around.

Via Alltrails

Sam Houston National Forest

Okay so this one is a little further outside of Houston but ABSOLUTELY worth the drive. Put an audiobook on for the kids and enjoy the 60min drive out to this magnificent nature wonderland.

There is evidence that there were people living here over 1200 years ago! How amazing is that.

The best time to visit this national park in in winter when the temperature is much more mild. It is not pleasant hiking in the Texas heat and humidity. That will not make for happy little hikers!

The most famous hiking trail here is the Lone Star Trail. It is 128 miles long but it has multiple trail heads so you can pick where you want to start. The Little Creek Trail is about a 4 hour hike that would be good for older kids.

There is lots more to do in Sam Houston National Forest so make a weekend of it and take the RV or tent and set up camp at one of the forest camping grounds.

Via Alltrails

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